How should suppositories be inserted into the rectum correctly? How to insert vaginal suppositories

What does rectal use of suppositories mean, algorithm of actions? Rectal suppositories (scientifically, suppositories) are used in a fairly wide medical range: for hemorrhoids, as a laxative, for the administration of certain medications. If you have never used candles before, then at first glance the method of using them seems difficult and even a little scary. In today’s article we will provide quite useful information that will “sort everything out”, and rectal administration will no longer seem like a difficult task to you.

Before direct insertion, the rectal suppository should be cool, this will make it much easier to use. Among other things, many of the active ingredients in the suppository require cold storage.

How to prepare rectal suppositories, where to insert them? Before starting the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them well with a towel. Please note that your hands should also be a little cold so that the candle does not melt. The most comfortable positions for administering a suppository are:

    standing, bending slightly; knee-elbow; lying on your side (legs bent at the knees); lying on your back, raise your legs high; lying on your back, raise your pelvis or place a cushion under your sacrum.

In any of the positions described above, the anus muscles must be completely relaxed, since if they are too tense, you will feel pain. It is forbidden to insert the suppository by force, otherwise this will lead to local damage to the anal mucosa. To facilitate insertion, you can lubricate the anus with baby cream, Vaseline or vegetable oil.

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Rectally - this is where to insert, the algorithm for direct administration.

All manipulations must be performed quickly enough so that the suppository does not melt in your hands. Take the candle with one hand and spread your buttocks with the other. Use the sharp end to insert the suppository into the rectum, with the minimum insertion depth equal to the length of the index finger. Please note that the suppository must pass through the muscle sphincter, this is the only way it will not fall out and cause discomfort. After insertion, you need to bring your buttocks together and hold them in this position for several seconds.

After administration, lie down for 20-30 minutes, while it is advisable to raise your pelvis. Refrain from bowel movements (and when introducing a suppository rectally, a similar desire may arise) so that the active substance is absorbed. Spark plugs can sometimes leak. This is explained by the base into which the active substance is introduced. The basis of the candle is soft white paraffin, liquid paraffin, fat, petroleum jelly and other substances. When exposed to human temperature, these products become liquid, they are not completely absorbed, and therefore leak. To prevent discomfort, use disposable pads.

How to properly administer rectal suppositories to children?

I think you already understand rectally - it's like. Now it’s worth telling how to administer rectal suppositories to children. It is best to administer the suppository to children during sleep so that they do not resist the procedure. In this case, the suppository should be at room temperature; it is placed after a bowel movement (otherwise it will come out with the baby’s feces).

The optimal position for the baby is lying on its side with knees bent, this eliminates pain and discomfort. With one hand, spread the buttocks of the sleeping child, with the other, insert the candle with the sharp end into the rectum. To make it easier, use baby cream. If the suppository comes out after a short time, repeat the procedure.

How to place suppositories rectally

Among diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids are common. Depending on the location of the nodes, different forms of medications are used. In the internal form, rectal suppositories are most popular. They quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, are easy to use, and have a versatile therapeutic effect. Not everyone knows how to use rectal suppositories.

Clinical manifestations

Hemorrhoids are accompanied by symptoms:

  • anal itching;
  • pain;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the anus;
  • bleeding;
  • hemorrhoids.

Any symptom may indicate hemorrhoids. The doctor will prescribe a course of therapy after establishing a diagnosis.

When hemorrhoids appear, healing suppositories are often used for treatment.

Description of suppositories

Rectal suppositories differ in composition, therapeutic effects, and duration of therapy. The composition contains one or more active ingredients.

It is permissible to use suppositories for hemorrhoids both in chronic cases and in cases of exacerbation.

They relieve inflammation, reduce anal itching, pain and swelling. Often used in combination with other medications.


Features of application

Despite the fact that most suppositories are available without a prescription, it is better to discuss the course of therapy with your doctor. Before use, make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the composition.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water

Before inserting suppositories rectally, you need to make sure they are stored correctly. If you have any doubts about following the instructions, it is better not to use the suppository. When the temperature rises, the active substances disintegrate and the desired therapeutic effect is absent.

Suppositories should be inserted into the rectum in a lying position. Before placing candles, you must empty your bowels and follow hygiene procedures.

If rectal suppositories are administered when the intestines are full, the mechanical effect on the rectum can provoke a reflex bowel movement.

If hygiene measures are not observed, an infection enters the node and inflammation occurs. It is better to trim long nails so as not to injure the mucous membrane during the procedure.

It is best to put a rectal suppository before going to bed, after having emptied your bowels.

If the product has softened, you can place it in the refrigerator for half an hour or under running cold water for a few minutes. This must be done before opening the package. Rectal suppositories should not fall into the rectum. Then the therapeutic effect will not be achieved. The suppository should be in the anus until completely dissolved. If the course of therapy includes 1 suppository per day, the best time for the procedure is the evening (before bed), if 2 suppositories, the time for the procedure is morning, evening. You need to remain in a motionless position for half an hour after administration. How many suppositories are needed for therapy is determined by the doctor.

Administration technique

To obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to know how to place candles correctly. More detailed information on how to administer suppositories for hemorrhoids can be read in the instructions for the drug or obtained from a doctor.

Introduction technique:

To make inserting the candle easier, its end can be lubricated with baby cream, Vaseline or vegetable oil.
  1. To easily insert rectal suppositories, the patient must take a position lying on his side. It is permissible to place suppositories for hemorrhoids while standing, slightly tilting the body forward. But then carrying out the procedure independently becomes more difficult.
  2. The suppository is removed from the package. It is not recommended to hold it in your hands for a long time. Then the introduction will become more difficult.
  3. With your free hand you need to spread the buttocks, and with the other, insert the suppository so that it enters the rectum through the sphincter. For an adult, the insertion depth is 2.5 cm. For a child, it is enough to push the product 1.5-2.5 cm. The buttocks must be squeezed tightly to prevent the suppository from slipping out.
  4. For a painless procedure, the end of the suppository can be lubricated with Vaseline or cream to facilitate insertion.
  5. Lying on your stomach will prevent the drug from leaking out. You need to stay in the starting position for half an hour. When you feel the urge to defecate, you need to be patient so that the active substances have time to be absorbed through the skin.
  6. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to take a comfortable position. Due to paraffin or petroleum jelly acting as a base, the drug may leak out.

To treat diseases in modern conditions, there are many medications. One of them is anal suppositories (or rectal suppositories).

Purpose of rectal suppositories

Suppositories are a medicine, but they are not taken enterally (that is, by mouth with water), but are injected into the rectum. Inside the body, the medicine from the suppository is absorbed and continues to act, just like other types of medicines.

Medicinal suppositories are used if the patient suffers from hemorrhoids or an inflammatory process. Also, suppositories are used for low immunity, high fever, as an anesthetic or laxative.


Suppositories do not harm the stomach and liver (unlike tablets that pass through the gastrointestinal tract). Candles are easy to use, they have a convenient pointed shape, and can be used at home. Children do not like to take medicines because of their bitter taste, and they are afraid of injections. Introducing suppositories is neither painful nor bitter. Since it is easy to insert a suppository into the rectum of a child who, for example, is sleeping, this is the treatment method most often chosen by parents.

Pregnant and nursing mothers are often contraindicated to take medications; using suppositories is the best option for them. Absolutely all people at any age can be treated with rectal suppositories.

If there are cracks or wounds in the intestines or anus, then rectal suppositories will have a healing effect on them as well.

What are candles?

Rectal suppositories are oblong cylinders (resembling the shape of a torpedo), pointed on one side and blunt on the other. They include medications and auxiliary products. The pointed end makes the insertion process easier, since it is easier to insert the candle into the rectum with the pointed end, and to push it further too.

Candles are sold in special packaging (each candle is individually packaged). The entire set should be stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature, candles melt and soften; they cannot be used in a softened form. Before use, you should read the attached instructions, which describe in detail, the rectum. If, according to the doctor’s recommendation, the dosage of one candle is too large, then you need to divide it in half (only along, not across) with a clean disposable blade, and put the unused half in the package and in the refrigerator until next time.


The main ingredients are painkillers (analgesics). In addition to them, the composition includes: hyaluronic acid, shark fat, a combination of zinc and bismuth, propolis, hormonal drugs. The specific composition depends on what disease the medicine is supposed to fight.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Using a candle requires compliance with hygiene rules. First you need to wash your hands thoroughly (preferably in cold water so that your fingers become cold) and dry them. Wash the anus with soap and wipe dry. Prepare paper handkerchiefs and pads in advance (you can just use dry, clean rags). Have Vaseline, rich cream, or vegetable oil on hand.

Remove the suppositories from the refrigerator right before the procedure; they should be cold. If suppositories are to be used for children, their intestines must be cleansed (you can do an enema, or simply wait for the natural process of bowel movement). Before inserting a candle into the baby's rectum, you need to warm it in your hands. This must be done in order to relieve children from unpleasant sensations.

The absorption process in the intestines occurs in approximately 15 to 60 minutes. The therapeutic effect depends on how the candle is inserted into the rectum and how long it remains there.

Basic Rules

To achieve the result, the suppository must be inserted into the anus, pushed into the rectum, this is where the process of absorption of the medicine occurs (except in cases of treatment of hemorrhoids). Ideally, the body should be relaxed.

The main thing in the process is not to damage the mucous membrane of the anus and intestines. To do this, it is best to coat the anus (and the tip of the candle) with Vaseline (greasy cream, oil). This will ensure easy and painless administration of the medicine into the intestines. It will facilitate the procedure and correct body position. Under no circumstances should you push it with force; the shape of the candle is specially made such that it should move quite easily.

How to insert a suppository into the rectum? First, spread the buttocks and insert the candle into the opening of the anus (its muscles should be relaxed) and gently push it with your finger until it passes the anal sphincter and moves into the rectum. After this, squeeze your buttocks and lie in this position for about a minute. Immediately after the procedure, you will want to go to the toilet, but you need to be patient, since the medicine will come out in the feces without having time to be absorbed. If you were unable to do this, the procedure will need to be repeated.

After inserting a candle into the rectum, it is better for an adult to lie down for about half an hour. If you immediately start walking and moving, the candle may leak out and the therapeutic effect will not be achieved.

Injecting the medicine into the anus is not recommended for women with long nails. If there is no one to do this, then it is better to trim the nails to avoid damage to the mucous membrane.

Correct body position

For the process to go quickly, painlessly and without negative consequences, you need to take the right position. In adults and children they are not always the same. There are several options.

  • Lie on your back, raise your legs up (you can put a pillow under the sacrum), relax your body. The candle will slide easily. There is no better pose than inserting a candle into your own rectum.
  • The knee-elbow position is also comfortable.
  • You can stand leaning forward when inserting the suppository. But the leg muscles become tense and painful sensations may occur when inserting and pushing the candle. In this position, the patient may involuntarily push out the candle; the procedure will have to be repeated to achieve success.
  • Lie on your left side in the fetal position, knees resting on your stomach. You can lie on your left side, left leg extended, right leg bent, knee pressed to your stomach.

Treatment of children

When administering suppositories to children, one must act with extreme caution so that the child does not retain memories of unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, next time, whenever you try to introduce a candle, he will resist and be capricious.

The procedure is basically the same as for an adult. Open the buttocks and insert the suppository very carefully. After inserting the suppository into the rectum, close the buttocks and sit the baby down. Then put him down for about 20 minutes. It’s best to distract him with something during this time (you can turn on cartoons at this time). It is best to carry out the procedure before putting the child to bed. Then the medicine will be absorbed overnight and will have its therapeutic effect.


A well-defined diagnosis will allow using rectal suppositories to cure external and internal hemorrhoids, wounds, defects in the rectal mucosa, and stop bleeding. There are some features of how to insert a suppository into the rectum for hemorrhoids; you need to know and follow them in order to be cured. It is best to administer the medicine at night before bedtime.

Before inserting the suppository, do an enema and then wash the anus with soap and wipe with a dry cloth. Lie on your stomach, insert a candle and push it inside.

With hemorrhoids, severe pain may occur, then you will have to insert the candle in an upright position, leaning slightly forward. Afterwards, be sure to lie down until the medicine melts and is absorbed.

If there are external hemorrhoids, the swollen nodes are outward and it is painful for the patient to sit, the medicine should be administered in a lying position. The suppository does not advance deeply; it should be located close to the anus, while the anus should be covered with a napkin (it is better to hold it with your hand). If the medicine is deep in the rectum, it will not reach the inflamed areas, and there will be no benefit from the procedure. In this case, it is enough to hold the medicine for 5-6 minutes.

Doctors often prescribe medications in the form of suppositories. But only a few explain where and how they should be inserted. Therefore, upon coming home from the pharmacy, having read the instructions for the purchased suppositories, patients begin to find out what it means to administer suppositories rectally.

Terms of use

Figuring out how to correctly insert suppositories rectally is not difficult. This means that they should be inserted directly into the anus. This procedure is facilitated by the special cone-shaped shape of the suppositories.

Basic rules of introduction.

  1. Before inserting the suppository, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them.
  2. Before using the suppository, it should be cooled: this will prevent it from melting in your hands and will facilitate the administration procedure. Many drugs in this dosage form should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. You should carefully remove the candle from the packaging: it separates into 2 parts at the top.
  4. The candle should be taken with your fingers: doctors recommend using disposable medical gloves for these purposes.
  5. To facilitate insertion into the rectum, a water-soluble lubricant can be applied to the edge of the suppository. If there is no lubrication, it is enough to moisten the anal area with cool water.
  6. To insert the suppository, you should relax as much as possible. Some insert a candle while standing, leaning slightly forward, others prefer to do it lying on their side. You should spread your buttocks apart and insert a candle so that it goes behind the muscle sphincter. This means that suppositories should be inserted to a depth of 2-2.5 cm for children, and to a depth of 5 cm for adults.
  7. Having figured out how to insert candles, having completed this procedure, you should squeeze your buttocks for a few seconds. Try not to move for a couple of minutes.

After completing all steps, you should wash your hands, throw away the suppository packaging and gloves, if you used them. Now you know how to insert medicinal suppositories correctly.


Some patients, having looked at the annotation for the medication, begin to become interested and ask about what it’s like rectally. Ideally, when prescribing agents for such administration, the doctor should explain how they should be used.

Any rectal suppository is inserted into the anus, in other words, into the butt. They should be administered after a bowel movement, otherwise they may come out in the stool without having time to dissolve.

They should be placed at such a time that at least 20-30 minutes remain free. During this period you should just lie down. After all, some of them begin to leak spontaneously when walking. Some even advise using disposable pads to avoid possible troubles.

For effective treatment of hemorrhoids, our readers advise.

During administration, you should try to relax as much as possible. If this fails, then it will not be possible to light the candle normally. It can only damage the inner mucous membrane. Does it hurt to insert candles? If everything is done correctly, the procedure is absolutely painless, only minor discomfort is possible. But if the anus is tense and the mucous membrane is damaged, painful sensations cannot be avoided.

If the dosage in one suppository is too high, you can divide it into 2 parts. An incision is made along the suppository with a sharp blade. To place a half, you should follow the rules described above.

How long does it take for a suppository to dissolve in the rectum? The duration will depend on the components included in the composition. The average duration is about 15-60 minutes. This is the time required for the dissolution and absorption of the active components into the intestinal walls.

Please note that candles should be inserted deeply. Otherwise, the anal sphincter will try to push out the foreign body. If you don’t place it correctly the first time, it may begin to melt. In this case, it will no longer be possible to enter it. Therefore, it is better to understand the method of application in advance and immediately try to introduce it to the desired depth.

Important nuances

Adults can insert candles for themselves. The main thing is to choose the most comfortable position and relax. With children the situation is worse. Often the process of introducing suppositories becomes a real problem. It is difficult for them to explain why they should use medications in this form.

Where should rectal suppositories be inserted for children? Nothing changes for babies, just like adults, they need to be inserted into the rectum. To facilitate the process, it is advisable to lubricate the anal area with cream before using the candle.

It is difficult to place children in the correct position most suitable for inserting a suppository. Parents should consider in advance what measures will have to be taken to minimize the pain that will arise due to tension. If the child spins, it will be extremely difficult to insert the suppository.

Often, after the drug enters the ampoule of the rectum, the urge to defecate appears. Adults are advised to lie down and hold back at this time: it should be understood that this is a reaction to irritation of the sphincter. Time must pass for the active ingredients to be absorbed.

It is more difficult to explain to children how and why they should restrain themselves. It is advisable for them to put candles after bowel movements. This means that you should wait until the child goes to the toilet and empties the rectum. If you follow all the rules, the urge will be tolerable. You can try to distract an older child.

One of the fastest ways to administer medications is rectally. Pharmacies offer many drugs that are intended specifically for such purposes. Medicinal suppositories or suppositories are made from oily substances that quickly dissolve under the influence of body temperature. In the rectum, the remaining components are absorbed very well, entering directly into the circulatory system.

Such medications are especially effective for problems with the digestive system, for example, when the patient may vomit, and the medicine taken has not yet had time to take effect. Unlike the oral route, suppositories provide more options for use. Most often they are used to treat small children, because the baby cannot yet swallow a pill on his own. In addition, suppositories will help get rid of delicate proctological problems, for example, in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Many medications used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract are also available in the form of suppositories, because this reduces the burden on the body and increases the effectiveness of the administered drugs.

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How to insert a candle correctly

The rounded shape of the suppository facilitates easy administration, but for the most successful result it is also necessary to take into account the basics of physiology. At the “entrance” to the rectum there are anal sphincters, which are responsible for the normal process of defecation. Weakening or paralysis of these sphincters is an extremely undesirable process, but it is the natural reaction of these muscles that poses an obstacle to the normal administration of suppositories.

Algorithm of actions:

  • It is advisable to use disposable latex gloves, but thorough hand washing before and after the procedure is also acceptable.
  • It is necessary that your hands are cold enough, otherwise the candle will begin to melt long before the required moment.
  • Long nails will need to be trimmed to avoid possible injury to the sensitive mucous membrane.
  • Before administering the drug, it is imperative to relieve yourself and perform hygiene procedures.
  • When administering the suppository, you must lie on your left side and bend your knees, pressing them to your chest.
  • The anus area can be slightly lubricated with Vaseline or soap.
  • The candle is inserted with its pointed end, without much effort, to a depth of 2 - 2.5 centimeters.
  • It is necessary to relax as much as possible; if the sphincter involuntarily contracts, you can try again after a few seconds.
  • After inserting the suppository, you should wait a few minutes, squeezing your buttocks tightly.
  • It is advisable to maintain a lying position for about 15 minutes, after which you can go about your usual activities.

Any suppositories have a mild laxative effect, so they are often used to relieve constipation. The course of treatment is determined individually depending on the disease and the drug used. In addition, it should be noted that such a dosage form will not always be optimal. If the patient has severe diarrhea or bleeding from the anus, using suppositories will only make the problem worse.

Important nuances of using suppositories:

  • Pediatricians often prescribe suppositories for the treatment of young children. It is easiest to introduce them while the baby is sleeping, when the body will not strongly resist such actions. To do this, you can lightly lubricate the anus area with baby cream, and then carefully introduce the medicine.
  • Candles must be stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take them out immediately before use, because they melt quite quickly.
  • If defecation occurs less than 10 minutes after administration, a second suppository can be used. On average, the medicinal components of the suppository dissolve and are absorbed in 20–25 minutes.
  • When reducing the dosage of the drug, it is necessary to cut the candle lengthwise and not across. This must be done very quickly and with a sharp blade so that the medicine does not crumble.

Medicinal suppositories are used in the treatment of many diseases. They are quickly and almost completely absorbed in the rectum, immediately entering the circulatory system. This is highly advisable if the patient has vomiting or problems swallowing hard tablets. In addition, this form of the drug does not irritate the gastric mucosa, which also represents an additional advantage for the patient. The only inconvenience is the insertion process itself. To prevent the candle from slipping back out after a couple of minutes, and also to minimize possible discomfort during insertion, it would be useful to study the useful tips in our article.