How to remove plantar warts. How to get rid of a wart on the foot: all the ways to get rid of warts on the foot

The human papillomavirus, penetrating into tissues, can be in a passive or active state.
  • The passive state is characterized by the fact that the virus, being in the basal layer of the epidermis, multiplies slowly, without reaching the stratum corneum of the epithelium, so outwardly this state doesn't show up at all.
  • Active state characterized by the fact that the virus actively develops and, rising to the upper layers of the epidermis, manifests itself in numerous symptoms.

Sign Manifestation Photo
Shiny surface Initially, a plantar wart appears in the form of a glossy plaque, then its surface becomes keratinized, becoming rougher and rougher.
Dimensions Dimensions plantar warts vary from one to two centimeters and rise above the surface of the epithelium by one to three millimeters. Most often, warts are oval or round in shape. There is also the concept of maternal and daughter warts. The mother wart appears first and is the largest; as a rule, smaller daughter warts can form around it. Over time, the mother and daughter warts can join together to form larger lesions.
Painful sensations A plantar wart is found on the foot, where most of the weight falls. The wart is compressed between the sole and the bones, which leads to compaction of the surrounding tissues. Such warts, in most cases, are very painful due to the fact that the wart can compress the nerves in the foot, causing pain when walking.
Color In most cases, warts are light brown or yellow-white in color.
Black dots If the stratum corneum is removed from the surface of the wart, then dark dots may be observed on the bed of the affected area, which are formed due to the fact that the bleeding capillaries in this area are thrombosed. This sign is distinctive feature plantar warts from calluses and calluses.

Removing warts on the sole

Currently, there are many effective and safe treatments for plantar warts. However, it should be noted that in some cases, reliable removal of a wart is complicated by the fact that the human papillomavirus penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis ( into the basal layer).

Treatment of warts is necessary in cases where:

  • the wart hurts;
  • the wart bleeds;
  • large wart;
  • the color of the wart is uneven ( for example, inclusions appeared in it);
  • there is rapid growth dynamics of the wart.

Exist following methods removal of plantar warts:
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser coagulation;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave surgery;
  • surgical excision.


This method involves treating the wart with liquid nitrogen with a temperature of minus 196 degrees. Cryodestruction is characterized by the fact that when a wart is frozen, the area of ​​skin affected by viruses is destroyed, followed by stimulation of the body’s immune forces. However, it should be noted that if a wart appears and exists for up to six months, then the effectiveness of its removal is 84%. While the effectiveness of removing warts that have existed for more than six months is reduced to 39%.

The cryodestruction procedure can be performed:

  • usually ( liquid nitrogen is applied until a light halo with a diameter of two millimeters appears around the wart);
  • aggressively ( after a light halo appears around the wart, liquid nitrogen continues to be applied for another five to twenty seconds).
Research has shown that the aggressive method of freezing a wart is more effective than the usual way, however, its disadvantage is that it is more painful.

After removal of the wart, hyperemia is observed at the site of exposure ( redness) of the skin with subsequent formation of edema. After a few hours, a blister forms on the affected area ( may contain hemorrhagic or serous fluid ), and approximately six to seven days after the bubble dries, a crust forms in its place, which disappears on its own within two weeks.

  • the formed bubble at the site of the wart should not be opened;
  • the affected area should not be covered with adhesive tape;
  • It is recommended to bandage the site of exposure loosely, without tightening, with a sterile bandage to prevent mechanical damage and contamination of the affected area;
  • It is recommended to treat the affected area twice a day salicylic alcohol 2%;
  • try to avoid getting water into the affected area.
Advantages of the method Disadvantages of the method
tissue healing occurs without scarring if exposure to liquid nitrogen occurs superficially, then there is high probability relapse ( re-education) warts
the procedure is performed without the use of local anesthesia After the procedure, local hypo- or hyperpigmentation may be observed
Removing a wart using this method takes one to two minutes if deeper cauterization occurs, there is a risk of scarring

Laser coagulation

Removing warts using a laser beam is one of the most common treatment methods today. This method is characterized by layer-by-layer cauterization of the affected area, which allows you to control the depth of exposure. Also, when removing a wart, the laser beam simultaneously seals the blood vessels, thereby preventing the development of bleeding at the site of exposure.

The following laser coagulation methods exist:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. The wart is exposed to infrared light ( wavelength is 10,600 nm). The disadvantage of this treatment method is that tissue cauterization does not occur selectively, that is, there is a possibility of damage to healthy tissue. The effectiveness of removing plantar warts using a carbon dioxide laser is 70%.
  • Erbium laser. This method is characterized by a shorter wavelength, 2940 nm, which significantly reduces the likelihood of scar formation after tissue epithelization. The effectiveness of this treatment method is 75%.
  • Pulsed dye laser. This method is characterized by selective energy absorption ( wavelength is 586 nm) oxygenated hemoglobin, in which the primary destruction of dilated capillaries in the wart occurs, as well as stimulation of the immune system, which contributes to effective healing. The effectiveness of this treatment method is approximately 95%.
After laser treatment, a crust forms on the affected area, which disappears on its own within seven to ten days. It is not recommended to tear off the crust or lubricate it with anything ( ointments, creams, alcohol solutions ). Also, in the first few days after the procedure, you should avoid getting water on the treatment site.


The plantar wart is exposed to high frequency current. Cauterization of the affected area should be done under local anesthesia. Thanks to the coagulation loop applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, the effect occurs electric shock on the wart, which leads to its death. Also, the action of high temperatures leads to the soldering of blood vessels, which prevents the development of bleeding.

After the procedure, a dense crust forms at the site of exposure, which disappears on its own within ten days.

After removing a wart, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • during the healing period, try to avoid contact with water or soap on the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • the formed crust should not be touched or torn off;
  • in the first seven to ten days, it is recommended to treat the affected area antiseptic (e.g. Lugol's solution, Iodinol) once or twice a day.

Radio wave surgery

This treatment method involves using a special electrode that emits high-frequency radio waves ( 3.8 – 4.0 MHz). Exposing a plantar wart to high temperatures causes the cells infected with the papilloma virus to evaporate. Also, thanks to cauterization of blood vessels, the use of this method prevents the development of bleeding. After exposure, a crust forms on the affected area of ​​the skin, which disappears on its own within seven to ten days.

During the healing period the following is contraindicated:

  • in the first two days after the procedure, you should not wet the cauterization site;
  • pick the crust for seven to ten days.

Surgical excision

This method is characterized by removing the wart using a scalpel under local anesthesia. After excision of the affected area, sutures are applied, which are removed after seven to ten days.

General principles of caring for the affected area of ​​skin after wart removal:

  • if a crust forms, it should not be touched or torn off;
  • limit the entry of water into the affected area;
  • after removing a wart, the affected area should not be exposed to direct sunlight;
  • Do not apply any substances to the affected area of ​​the skin. cosmetical tools (such as cream or lotion);
  • for one to two months after wart removal, it is not recommended to visit public saunas, baths or swimming pools;
  • After removing a wart, it is recommended to use vitamins A, C and E, as they promote rapid regeneration ( healing) tissues, and also stimulate the body's defenses.
Note: If complications arise after wart removal ( inflammation of the affected area, prolonged healing, scarring), you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

For all treatment methods, contraindications to the procedure are:

  • diabetes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases near the wart;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • high blood pressure ( above 140 per 100 millimeters of mercury).

Treatment of warts without surgery

Name of ointment Mechanism therapeutic effect How to use
Salicylic ointment Has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Has keratolytic ( exfoliating) an action that, due to the softening, dissolution and rejection of the surface layer of the epidermis, promotes rapid skin renewal. Salicylic ointment 60% is used to treat warts. Before using the drug, it is recommended to steam your feet and then dry them thoroughly. After this, apply a thin layer of ointment to the plantar wart, and then bandage the treated area. The procedure must be repeated every other day until the warts completely disappear.
Oxolinic ointment Has a pronounced antiviral effect. To treat plantar warts, three percent oxolinic ointment is used. The drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin, after which a waxed wax is applied to the treated area. covered with a thin layer of wax) paper. The procedure should be repeated two to three times a day. The course of treatment is two to three months.
Viferon Contains vitamin E. Has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Has antioxidant properties ( oxidation retardant), and also enhances regeneration ( update) cells. The ointment is applied three to four times a day for five to seven days.
Riodoxol Has broad antiviral and antifungal effects. Before using the drug, damaged skin must be steamed and thoroughly dried. Then apply to the plantar warts thin layer ointments. The procedure must be carried out one to three times a day until the warts completely disappear.
Note: in case of occurrence side effects (e.g. redness, itching, burning) you should wash off the drug with warm water and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

For single and shallow plantar warts, it is recommended to use traditional methods of treatment.
Name of the product used Preparation Application
Acetic acid It is necessary to purchase acetic acid 70%, Vaseline, and also prepare a pipette for applying the exact dosage. Before using acetic acid, coat the healthy skin around the wart with Vaseline.
Then, using a pipette, apply one drop of acetic acid to the wart. Use this method should be done once a day until the wart goes away.
Garlic infusion It is necessary to chop three cloves of garlic, and then pour boiling water over the resulting mass ( 50 ml). After one hour, the resulting infusion must be filtered and used. The area of ​​the wart should be lubricated with the resulting infusion once a day until the formation completely disappears.
Brine Required in warm water (100 ml) dissolve one tablespoon of salt and add one tablespoon of table vinegar ( 9% ). The resulting solution must be thoroughly stirred, and then the pulp of one plum should be dipped into it and left to infuse for two hours. After the time has passed, it is necessary to remove the plum from the solution and grind it into a paste. The resulting plum pulp must be applied to the wart.
For a secure fit, wrap your foot and put a sock on it.
This compress must be left for two to three hours. The procedure should be repeated every day until the wart completely disappears.
Wormwood infusion Need a glass of hot water ( 250 ml) add three tablespoons of dry wormwood, cover and leave for two hours. The resulting solution must be lubricated on the affected areas of the foot three to four times a day until the warts disappear.
Lemon peel infusion It is necessary to remove the peel from two lemons and place it in crushed form in a liter jar. Then add 100 ml of 9% table vinegar to the vessel and close the jar with a tight lid. The contents should be infused for one week, shaking the jar periodically. After the expiration date, the infusion must be filtered. The resulting infusion must be moistened with warts twice a day until they completely disappear.
St. John's wort decoction For one glass of water ( 250 ml) you need to add one tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. After cooking, the broth must be cooled and then strained. The resulting decoction should be applied to the warts three to four times a day until they disappear completely.
Note: If any side effects occur, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Currently, celandine is also effectively used in the treatment of plantar warts. This plant has medicinal juice yellow-orange color.

Celandine has the following medicinal properties:

  • bactericidal ( causes the death of hidden microorganisms);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • antiviral;
  • wound healing;
  • cauterizing;
  • antipruritic;
  • Celandine also contains vitamins A and C.

When treating plantar warts, fresh celandine juice is used, which must be rubbed on the affected areas of the skin two to three times a day until the warts completely disappear. Before applying celandine, it is recommended to thoroughly steam your feet in hot water and remove the keratinized part of the wart with a pumice stone.

When treating plantar warts, celandine has the following therapeutic effects:

  • helps reduce pain while walking;
  • accelerates the process of wart drying and crust formation;
  • due to the content of vitamins A and C in its composition, it stimulates local immune reactions.
Celandine also contains various acids ( ascorbic, amber, apple, lemon) to which HPV is sensitive.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment of plantar warts, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • carry out daily hygiene procedures legs;
  • To strengthen the immune system, you should regularly take vitamins ( for example, vitamins A, E, C);
  • use individual shoes ( for example, house slippers);
  • If your foot skin is dry, you should regularly use moisturizing and nourishing foot creams;
  • V in public places (bath, sauna or swimming pool) it is necessary to use personal slippers and avoid walking barefoot;
  • carefully choose suitable shoes ( e.g. appropriate size, natural materials);
  • at increased sweating feet, it is necessary to use drying agents ( for example, Urotropin, Formagel), and also try to choose shoes according to the weather.

Human feet are susceptible to fungal diseases, various tumors, calluses, and so on. Warts on the soles of the feet are very unpleasant, and sometimes cause significant discomfort. painful condition and even deprive a person of his ability to work. Unlike calluses, they do not disappear on their own, so treatment is necessary.

Why do warts appear?

Neoplasms may appear various reasons: due to microtraumas of the feet, decreased protective forces body, poor foot hygiene, wearing tight, uncomfortable or poor-quality shoes. In all cases, the causative agent of the wart is the human papillomavirus, which can be transmitted through objects common use, upon contact with the carrier. After entering the body, the virus either remains unnoticed or spreads and appears in the form of one or several unaesthetic tubercles that do not look aesthetically pleasing.

Spine on a child's foot

HPV infection of children can occur vertically while in the womb and during childbirth. Many children become infected later, when they start going to kindergarten and school: through toys, hygiene products, when visiting the pool, and so on. As in adults, a wart on a child’s foot can only appear when the immune system is weakened. If the baby is full of energy, the virus is in a latent state.

Symptoms of HPV infection

A person may not be aware of HPV infection because in most cases the disease occurs without any symptoms. Special tests can reveal it. When the body weakens, first unnoticeable small areas of thickened skin appear on the skin, localized on the heels, toes, and the junction of the toes with the sole. Over time, they become denser and change color - from pink to gray, yellow-brown. Often, warts on the feet protrude above the skin and can be painful upon palpation.

Neoplasms are characterized by papillae and grooves. If you look closely at the large ones, you can see depressions in the center, dark dots. Single and mosaic warts may form on the feet. The latter appear if the body has a high concentration of the virus and malfunctions of the immune system. Without treatment, they can form into bizarre, unaesthetic mosaics, so you should not leave warts unattended.

How to get rid of a wart on the foot

Plantar formations are specific, so diagnosis is not difficult. As for treatment, it is often complex and time-consuming. Warts on the feet are not easy to remove because the skin is rough and dense. If they do not disappear on their own, treatment methods are used for all warts. skin growths. The method depends on the size and number of spitz on the legs. Familiarize yourself with the basic treatment methods.

Chemical removal of papillomas

The method involves using chemicals to remove warts: salicylic, oxolinic, tebrofenic acids, Solcoderm. All have the same effect - they cause a burn of the affected tissues, promoting the death of the formation with the surrounding skin. Disadvantages of chemical removal - it causes painful sensations, reoccurrence is possible. The most widely available remedy of the above is salicylic acid.

Ointment for warts on the foot

Treatment of warts on the foot is effective if there are small, single papillomas. Ointments also help children well - they are effective medicinal substances penetrate through a thin layer of the epidermis and have healing effect. Products must be applied to problem areas, then cover with a sterile bandage. The effect will be enhanced if you take a warm bath before the procedure. To remove warts on the feet, you can use proven remedies:

  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Riodoxol (used three times for approximately 7-28 days);
  • Oksonafthyline (course of treatment - 2-8 weeks)
  • Stefalin, made without chemical additives;
  • Interferon, Colchicine ointments.

Salipod callus patch

How to get rid of warts on the foot if there is no time and conditions to use ointments daily and chemical substances? There is a proven method - the Salipod patch. Medicinal properties product due to the content of salicylic acid and precipitated sulfur. Along with the patches, it is necessary to take antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. To use, you need to cut a piece of the required size, apply it to the affected area, and secure it. The patch should be kept on for up to 2 days. Do applications several times.

Removing warts on the foot

Warts on the feet can be removed not only with ointments, medications, but also with physical methods. To destroy the affected tissue, the patient may be offered cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, or laser excision. If a patient has old, deep warts on his feet, several methods are used simultaneously. Familiarize yourself with the main methods used in medical practice.

Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen

To remove a wart, a quick action method is used low temperatures. During the procedure, the doctor influences wooden stick with a cotton tip or cryoapplicator, applies liquid nitrogen to the affected areas. Under the influence of low temperatures that occur during evaporation of the product, a spasm of the capillaries occurs, and ice crystals form inside them. During the procedure, the formation turns pale, swells, and in its place a bubble forms, which resolves within a week. After 14 days, not a trace of the wart remains.

Method of electrocoagulation of warts

It involves cauterization of formations with high-frequency or direct current using a special device. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. First, the patient is given local anesthesia, then put on benign tumor an electrocoagulator to destroy its tissues using thermal energy from radio waves. The papilloma is removed in one session without a scalpel; after a while a crust appears, which soon disappears. At the patient's request, the tumor can be sent for histological analysis.

Laser spine removal

Another effective way to remove warts on the feet is using a high-tech surgical laser. The essence of the method is the evaporation of liquid in the body of the papilloma as a result of exposure high temperature. After the procedure, no inflammatory processes occur, but possible easy soreness. The internal wart on the foot falls off and a crust forms, disappearing after about 10 days.

Folk remedies for warts on the foot

Used for local treatment and provision restorative action. Folk remedies are suitable if there is no rapid increase in the number of formations and they do not cause pain. The most famous remedy for papillomas is celandine. To completely remove a wart on your feet, you need to lubricate it twice a day. fresh juice plants. Other home treatments:

  • vinegar (apply a swab soaked in acid, secure with a band-aid);
  • garlic (rub the formation with a clove, then make a bandage with juice, leave until morning);
  • castor oil(Rub into growths).
  • potatoes (grate finely with peel, apply to papillomas, secure with a bandage).

Video: removal of plantar warts

Update: October 2018

Plantar warts in medicine are considered benign skin tumors of viral origin. Moreover, warts localized on the foot account for a third of all formations. to install accurate diagnosis, to differentiate condylomas, papillomas, and other growths, to exclude the oncological nature of the neoplasms, you should contact a dermatologist.

For plantar warts, treatment is best done in private paid clinics with the help of modern equipment and technologies, since inadequate removal of the root of the skin formation, as well as damage to nearby tissues provoke the growth of new or subsidiary growths in other areas of the skin.

Causes of plantar warts

How can you become infected with this virus? HPV is easily transmitted from person to person through household contact and, according to some statistics, it is believed that the majority of the population is infected with many of its types. That is, the use of other people's personal hygiene items, as well as the presence of a humid, warm environment in swimming pools, baths, saunas, gyms promote the transfer of the pathogen through infected skin cells from the patient to healthy person. Since the virus dies from sunlight, infection on the beach is excluded.

Even with infection, the growth of papillomas and warts is not always possible. With strong immunity, the virus, entering the body, goes into a latent state and does not cause any harm, but if the body’s defenses fail or weaken (food poisoning, a serious infectious disease, severe stress, overwork, overload, poor nutrition), it is able to become more active. formation of various formations on the skin.

Provoking factors for the appearance of tumors on the foot include:

  • Damage to the skin of the legs and feet
  • Diseases that disrupt tissue trophism -
  • Dry foot skin or, conversely, increased sweating
  • Diseases, deformities of the foot - arthritis of the joints of the foot, flat feet, osteoarthritis
  • Friction and pressure on the skin from uncomfortable shoes

What does a wart on the foot look like and how to distinguish it from calluses and other diseases

On the sole, such warts have a clearly limited round or oval shape, no more than 1-2 cm. They protrude only 1-2 mm above the main skin, and may not differ in color from the main mass, in in rare cases they may be pink or pale brown. At first, the growth that appears has a smooth surface; as it grows, it is covered with layers of epidermis, which becomes rough, keratinized and over time acquires a yellow-gray color.

In some cases, brown-black dots form on the surface of the wart; this occurs from thrombosis of the capillaries located close to the surface; there may also be a crater-like depression in the center of the wart. Only with very high activity virus formations are widespread, most often they are still single formations. When there are many daughter warts, they give the affected foot a mosaic pattern.

In a number of cases, according to internal reasons When the immune system wins, the body begins to reject the growth and it disappears on its own, leaving no trace. But this happens quite rarely, and often, on the contrary, due to constant injury, it subsequently brings serious discomfort to the patient, pain when walking, pressure and friction from shoes.

Since plantar formation is due to constant pressure shoes takes on the appearance of a callus, only an experienced dermatologist can distinguish and differentiate the growth from other formations. This is done using dermatoscopy. For a more thorough examination, the specialist scrapes the stratum corneum of the formation and sends it for a PCR analysis, which excludes or confirms the human papilloma virus. Typically, with a plantar wart, there is no skin pattern on the surface and there are traces of thrombosed capillaries. To determine the depth of root growth of the tumor, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound.

Differential diagnosis of warts on the foot is made from:

  • Malignant neoplasms
  • Deformative foot diseases
  • In Reiter's syndrome, warts on the foot are differentiated from keratoderma. Absence inflammatory process, flat shape, small size, thrombosis of capillaries, distinguishes a wart from keratoderma.
  • With syphilis, formations also form on the foot and palms that look like a wart, but they are usually located in the form of arcs, rings, very painful, and a simple test for syphilis solves the issue of differentiating this diagnosis.

How to remove a plantar wart, what method - advantages and disadvantages of the procedures

Today, progressive medical technology offer several very effective ways to get rid of any neoplasms - warts, warts, moles. In many specialized paid clinics, there are several treatment options for getting rid of plantar warts in children and adults:

  • Electrocoagulation

Since, unlike others, a wart on the foot is complicated by the fact that, due to its location on the sole, it grows very deeply into the skin, a method such as electrocoagulation is not suitable for removing old, large or very deep plantar warts. The disadvantage of this method is that it is used only for superficial, fresh, not deeply grown warts, and a scar or scar always remains.

  • Treatment of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction

More detailed description The article is devoted to the technology of this procedure. This method is the most common and popular, and it is also quite cheap; there are no scars left after the procedure, but its effectiveness directly depends on the experience of the doctor. When carrying out cryodestruction, the specialist must accurately calculate the depth of the effect, since too intense an action may leave a scar, and insufficient, superficial action leads to relapse, the re-growth of a new wart. The procedure itself is quite painful, but lasts no more than 1 minute; after treatment with nitrogen, a blister appears in the area of ​​the growth, which should be protected from water, injury and, to avoid infection, should be treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or salicylic alcohol for about a week until the formation disappears .

Today it is also becoming more accessible and popular; this method has better cosmetic effects. Regulation of the depth of exposure, unlike liquid nitrogen, is controlled in a more optimal way, and this method also takes minimal amount time, it is less painful, and recovery requires less time. Most dermatologists today consider laser removal of any tumors to be the most progressive, safe and fast; the advantage is the absence of relapses, rapid tissue restoration and the absence of traces of the operation, and also the fact that the removed tissues after the procedure can be sent for histological examination.

This procedure is sometimes also used to remove a wart on the sole; it is cut out with a radio knife while simultaneously cauterizing the vessels - this prevents the spread of the virus. it enters the bloodstream and also prevents bleeding.

  • Surgical removal

This method is now practically not used, in very rare cases when a large wart is subjected to surgical excision. This method involves the use of local anesthesia and a regular scalpel, so it is a pain-free operation. However, the disadvantage is that the healing process is protracted and painful and a scar is always formed.

The choice of the method of getting rid of and treating a wart on the foot certainly remains with the patient.

Treatment of plantar warts at home using pharmaceutical and folk remedies

Of course, most people do not like to go to the doctor again, choose the time and means to visit him. But warts, no matter where they appear, cannot be ignored; in our time of oncological tension, we should be attentive to any new growths on the skin. And the fact that the appearance of growths indicates a failure in the immune system should also be considered as a kind of warning that not everything is in order with health. Moreover, you should not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis if a plantar wart appears on a child’s foot; treatment with vinegar, celandine and others traditional treatment is considered more gentle, but less effective than removal with liquid nitrogen or laser.

  • Boosting immunity, self-hypnosis

There are often cases of warts disappearing on their own after some positive impact or changes in the body. It has long been known that the immune system a person is able to cope with any illness on her own. However, today's abundance negative information, a depressive state, a lot of stress, the use of chemicalized products, an incorrect lifestyle that is inharmonious with nature, leads to the fact that the body cannot cope with a colossal load on all sides. You can increase your immunity through physical labor fresh air, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, a positive attitude towards everything that happens around. An important role in improving the health of the body is played by self-hypnosis, meditation, Yoga, and speaking positive attitudes.

It can only be used for plantar or common warts. Before applying the acid, soak the growth in warm water for 10 minutes and dry the skin. Using an applicator, the liquid is used to cover the entire surface of the formation; you can use salicylic acid preparations in the form of an adhesive bandage (Mozolin, Urgocor corn, or Galmanin powder) leaving it for 2 days. Such procedures are carried out until the wart is completely destroyed, sometimes this takes 3 months.

  • Natural juice of celandine or Mountain celandine

What can you do to help your body get rid of plantar warts? If a person has access to a plant such as celandine, during the period when it blooms from May to June, you can use one made yourself. It's vintage folk way treatment of plantar warts, which was used by our ancestors - when treating a steamed wart with celandine juice 3-4 times a day for 3 weeks, most often it disappears. If this is not possible, you can try using a ready-made pharmaceutical productMountain celandine, which contains natural juice of this plant, gentian, cacaly and rhododendron.

To avoid damaging nearby tissues, before applying any strong remedy It is very convenient to make a hole in the adhesive plaster, the size of the tumor, and cover the surrounding surface around the wart with it.

  • Flour with acetic acid

A folk remedy for removing plantar warts is to make a paste of 70% acetic acid and flour. Steam the affected area, apply this paste only to the growth and leave for a while, repeat this procedure several times.

  • Steaming legs

Hyperthermia is a well-known method of increasing immunity. It is believed that when you steam your feet for half an hour, immersing them in hot water, vasodilation helps improve health. This procedure can be done 2-3 times per week.

  • Pharmacy ready-made products - chemical compositions

The appearance of any skin problems is unpleasant and makes you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. A sudden appearance of a wart on the leg can be a serious problem for its owner. This is due to the fact that some growths tend to degenerate into malignant tumors, which is why they need to be disposed of in a timely manner.

What is a wart?

A wart is a lump (growth, lump, papilloma, spot or small bump) on the skin that is viral in nature.

What do warts look like?

In the vast majority of cases, warts on the legs are round or oval shape.

If the wart is located on the foot or toes, its surface will peel off. When steaming and scraping the upper scales, you can find black dots - small vessels, compacted due to build-up.

When warts appear on the legs, the disease can quickly progress, as a result of which new growths will form and merge with each other into a single spot.

What a wart looks like depends, first of all, on its type.

Types of warts

Experts identify several types of warts:

Why do warts appear?

The cause of warts is human papillomavirus types 1-4. These types of diseases are not oncogenic, as a result of which the likelihood of wart degeneration into malignant tumor negligible.

Important feature of this disease is an asymptomatic infection. In other words, a person can get the human papillomavirus, but find out about it later for a long time, since the disease may not manifest itself for several weeks, months, and sometimes even years.

P the appearance of warts can provoke:

  • weakened immunity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • liver disease;
  • intestinal disease.

Warts appear especially often in children. Therefore, if a child has signs on his feet subcutaneous seals, or a hole has appeared on the heel, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the immunity and personal hygiene of the child’s feet. In addition, the human papillomavirus can appear as growths on the hands, knees, and fingers.

Prevention of warts

For this purpose, specialists often prescribe immunomodulators and antivirals.

It is important to understand that the roots of warts significantly complicate the procedure for removing the growth. In most cases, the neoplasm can only be eliminated with the help of radical measures, after which, most often, holes remain - wounds, in the place of which the root of the papilloma was previously located.

Especially Old plantar warts are difficult to remove, therefore, if a seal with a hole appears on the sole of the foot, or white tubercles form on the heels, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the growths immediately. After all, the earlier treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of recovery.

Pharmacy drugs

Most common medicines used to remove growths at home are:

  • Viferon, Panavir, Imiquimod, Oxolinic ointment– a group of immunomodulatory drugs with antiviral properties:
  • Salicylic acid, Salicylic ointment, Salipod, Collomak, Duofilm– preparations based on salicylic acid:
  • Wartner, Solcoderm– acid solutions;
  • Super clean(including Supercleaner-lekker) - the most popular means for removing warts;
  • – a group of solutions with cauterizing and necrotizing effect:
  • Verrucacid, Ferezol– group of necrotizing solutions based on phenol:
  • Wartner Cryo, Cryopharma– a group of aerosols based on cryotherapy:
  • Castor oil:

Particular attention should be paid to drugs in the form of a patch - such drugs are especially convenient for the treatment of plantar growths. The most popular patches include:

Folk remedies

Feature traditional methods Getting rid of warts is the duration of treatment. This is due to the form of medicines - decoctions, herbal juices and compresses from improvised means are most often used.

Some recipes are especially good for general condition skin and allow not only to get rid of growths, but also to significantly soften the skin.

The most common methods for removing warts include: To:

  • celandine: cut off the stems fresh plant and lubricate the new formation with the secreted juice;
  • garlic: put the garlic pulp on gauze and apply it to the wart, avoiding contact with healthy skin, wrap it with a cloth and leave overnight;
  • glycerin and vinegar: mix the products in equal proportions, soak the fabric in the solution and apply to the tumor, leave for several hours;
  • spurge: lubricate growths with grass juice;
  • onion: cut the onion in half and place in acetic acid for several hours, then apply the onion with the cut to the wart and secure with a plaster.

Surgical removal of warts

Surgical methods removal of growths is radical and involves the immediate elimination of the neoplasm. As a rule, such methods are recommended for extensive lesions. skin when the use of specialized ointments and liquids is prohibited.

The main methods of radical removal of warts include:

Thus, the appearance of plantar warts is an unpleasant but treatable phenomenon. At the right approach the growths can be removed the first time and you can forget about relapses, if not forever, then for a very long time.

Video - treatment of warts on the leg

In medicine, warts that form on the soles of the feet are considered benign skin growths. Moreover, this disease is of viral origin. Of all the formations localized on the foot, warts account for a third. In order to correctly diagnose and differentiate papillomas, condylomas and other growths, as well as exclude the malignant nature of the tumors, you need to consult a specialist - a dermatologist.

For the treatment of plantar warts, it is better to contact specialized clinics, where, with the help of modern technologies and the latest equipment will help get rid of the problem. It should be taken into account that if the roots of skin formations are not completely removed or nearby tissues are damaged, new or subsidiary growths may appear in other parts of the skin.

Warts are a fairly common disease

What causes warts on the feet

Any type of wart, from filiform, plantar, common, flat, to papillomas and condylomas, appears as a result of weakened immunity. In this way, the body responds to the appearance and reproduction within a person of the papilloma virus (HPV), which currently has more than 100 varieties.

For convenience, each type of virus is assigned serial numbers. For example, flat warts are caused by HPV types 3, 10, 28 and 29, while plantar warts are caused by HPV types 1, 2, 3 and 4.

How does infection with this virus occur? HPV enters the body as a result of contact between people, the so-called household contact route. Statistics indicate that most of the population is infected various types papillomavirus.

The causative agent of the disease through infected cells skin infection is transmitted from sick people to healthy people through the use of other people's things and personal hygiene items. Important role plays in this process external environment: high humidity, heat in saunas, gyms, baths, swimming pools contributes to the development of pathology. However It is impossible to become infected on the beach, since the virus dies under the influence of the sun's rays.

The growth of warts is activated when immunity decreases

The growth of warts and papillomas does not always occur during infection. If a person strong immunity, then the virus, when it enters such an organism, goes into a latent state and cannot cause harm. However, in case of failures, weakening defensive reaction body (with poor nutrition, overload, fatigue, severe stress, serious infectious diseases, food poisoning) the virus is activated and causes various formations on the skin.

Thus, the provoking factors for the formation of warts on the foot are:

    Damage to the feet, skin on the legs;

    Wearing uncomfortable shoes that create pressure and friction on the skin;

    Diseases that disrupt tissue trophism (diabetes, atherosclerosis, varicose veins in the lower extremities);

    Ailments of foot deformities (ostoarthritis, flat feet, arthritis of the foot joints);

    Increased sweating or dry skin on the legs.

Warts on the foot have a clear, limited oval or rounded shape, size up to two centimeters. At the same time, they rise 1-2 millimeters above the main skin cover.

Their color may be practically the same as the skin; in rare cases, the formations may be pale brown or pink. At the initial stage of development of the disease, the growths that appear are smooth; over time, as they develop, the surface of the warts becomes covered with several layers of epidermis, becomes rough, becomes keratinized, and takes on a yellow-gray color. In some situations, brownish-black dots appear on the surface of the wart, resulting from blockage of the capillaries that are close to the surface of the skin. In addition, a crater-like depression appears in the center of the growth. The mass nature of education occurs only when increased activity

virus, in ordinary cases these are often isolated manifestations of the disease. If daughter warts form nearby, they create a mosaic pattern on the foot. In many cases, when the immune system wins, the human body begins to reject the growths, and the warts disappear on their own, leaving no traces. True, this rarely happens, and more often, due to systematic trauma, warts are delivered to the patient serious problems

, pain during movement, friction and pressure from shoes. Due to constant pressure, warts on the foot become like calluses and are not easy to identify. Only an experienced dermatologist can differentiate and distinguish a growth from a callus and other formations. For this purpose, a special diagnostic procedure

To carry out a thorough examination, it is necessary to scrape and take samples of the stratum corneum, after which the scraping is sent for analysis, which can confirm or exclude the presence of papillomavirus. With a plantar wart, there is no pattern on the surface of the skin, and traces of clogged thrombosed capillaries can be seen. The depth of wart germination can be determined using an ultrasound, which the doctor prescribes if necessary.

Only a specialist can correctly diagnose a wart.

Differentiated diagnosis of a neoplasm on the foot is performed when:

    The presence of malignant neoplasms;

    Deformative foot pathologies;

  • Differentiation from keratoderma is made in people with Reiter's syndrome. A wart is distinguished from keratoderma by thrombosed capillaries, small size, flat shape, and lack of inflammation.
  • With syphilis, formations also appear on the palms and soles, which appearance resemble a wart. Usually these signs are located in the form of rings, arcs, they are very painful. A routine syphilis test will allow you to distinguish them from warts and make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of warts on the foot: advantages and disadvantages of treatment methods

Freezing is one of the methods for treating warts

Today medicine has several in effective ways getting rid of various formations, be it moles, warts or warts. Many specialized clinics provide various options therapy, help get rid of warts for adults and children.


The difficulty of treating a plantar wart is that it is located on the foot and grows deep into the skin. Therefore, the electrocoagulation method is not suitable for removing large, old, deep plantar formations. Its disadvantage is that a good result can only be obtained with a fresh, superficial, slightly overgrown wart. In addition, a scar or scar always remains on the skin. The advantage of electrocoagulation is that the method is painless; if the formation is small, it is removed along with the root.

Cryodestruction - treatment of warts on the foot using liquid nitrogen

This method is the most popular and is most often used for the treatment of plantar warts. In addition, the method is relatively cheap, and there are no scars left after the procedure. However, the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the experience of the specialist. When performing cryodestruction, the doctor must accurately determine the depth of exposure. If the intensity is too intense, a scar may remain, and if the penetration depth is insufficient, the pathology will recur and the wart will grow again.

The procedure itself is not painful. Cryodestruction lasts no more than one minute, and after exposure to nitrogen, a blister appears in the area of ​​the growth, which must be protected from injury and water. To avoid infection, the surgical area must be treated with salicylic alcohol or a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. These procedures should be performed for a week until the wart disappears.

Removing foot warts with laser

Laser removal of warts is widespread

Laser removal of plantar warts is currently becoming more popular and accessible method. This method treatment allows you to get the maximum cosmetic effect. Unlike liquid nitrogen, the degree and depth of exposure can be adjusted most optimally. Laser removal takes a short amount of time, is not painful, and the patient’s recovery will require a minimum of effort.

Most dermatologists consider this method to be the most progressive for removing various tumors. This is the fastest and safest method. Its advantage also lies in the absence of relapses of the disease and any traces after the procedure, and the rapid restoration of the skin. In addition, histological examination of the removed skin particles after surgery can be performed.

Radio wave method

This method allows you to quickly get rid of warts on the foot. The growths are cut out using a special radio knife, and at the same time the vessels are cauterized, which prevents the spread of the virus, prevents its penetration into the bloodstream, and prevents the formation of bleeding.

Surgical removal of warts on the foot

This technique is practically not used today. Intervention is possible only if the wart is large; only in this case the formation is subjected to surgical excision. In this case, the patient is given local anesthesia, and the intervention is performed using a scalpel. The disadvantage is that the process is lengthy and painful. postoperative recovery, wound healing. In addition, scars remain at the site of the wart. Of course, the patient must choose a treatment method, listening to the advice of doctors.

Home treatment for warts on the foot using traditional and pharmacy methods

If a plantar wart appears, you can try to remove it using vinegar, celandine and other folk methods, which are less effective than laser treatment or the use of liquid nitrogen, but more gentle.

To prevent and treat warts, you should first take measures to increase immunity. It is known that the human body can independently get rid of any misfortune. However, he is prevented from doing this by the abundance of negative information, a lot of stress, depressive state, consumption of chemically contaminated products, inharmonious, incorrect lifestyle. To improve immunity, you need to do more physical work in the fresh air, eat right, active image life, has a positive attitude towards everything.

Onions with acetic acid

IN in this case take a raw onion, cut it and pour vinegar essence for two hours. After this, the half is applied to the wart, securing it to the foot and left overnight. The procedure is performed several times.

Flour with vinegar

This folk remedy suggests making a paste of flour and acetic acid 70%, which must be applied to the affected area and left for a while. This should be done several times.

Except the listed methods Steam your feet, which improves your immunity. The procedure is performed by immersing the feet in hot water for 30 minutes. Should be done three times a week.

Medicines that can be used to remove a wart on the foot include the drugs “Wartner Cryo”, “Cryopharma”, “Salicylic acid”, “Super Celandine”, “Solcoderm”, “Verrucatsid”. When using these medications, you should be careful and read the instructions first.